We believe that many organizations deserve better. We believe that organizations of any size have room for improvement that can be led by superior incentive compensation. We believe in consulting with integrity and a deep partnership with our client-partners.
Our mission is to improve every organization we partner with using expertise and integrity.
At OTI, unlike many other consulting firms, we respect our client-partners’ time and money. We are in partnership to provide value, not fluff. We don’t produce reports designed to maximize our billable hours. We cut through the noise and help make real decisions. We build long-term partnerships, and we hold ourselves to the highest standards.
OnTarget Incentives, LLC is led by Josh Miller. Josh has led organizations in incentive compensation since 1999, both as an executive and consultant. Josh and the OTI team collectively have over 50 years of incentive compensation leadership and management, across organizations of many sizes in a myriad of industries.
Phone: 480-329-5088
Email: josh@ontargetincentives.com